Banjo Tooie >> Glitter Gulch Mine

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[ Initial Tips ]

Head to Humba's Wigwam near the start of the world. Pick up the Glowbo, and have Humba transform you into a detenator. Right outside her hut, to the left, is a boulder blocking the entrance to a cave. Step on the detenator switch and blow it. Next, head south-east from here, following the track to its end. Enter the opening in the wall here, and head to the south-west of the cave. Blow up the rock on the tracks. The third and final rock you have to blow up can be found by following the water south from Humba's Wigwam. To the east of where the train track bends in on itself, there is an entrance in the rock wall. Enter, then blow up the shack blocking the water cave entrance.

[ Jiggy Locations ]

1) At the entrance to GGM, there is a box that you can smash. Inside, there are turbo trainers. Grab them, then run directly towards the river. Hit the gate switch right below a mound overlooking a bend in the river (there is a glowbo on top if you are having trouble locating it). The switch opens a door at the western part of the river. Run there before the timer runs down, and enter. Jump from the waterfall, and climb onto the stone overhanging the water to get the Jiggy.

2) Head through the opening you blew up to the left of Humba's Wigwam (see above). Inside, free Canary Mary using a beak barge. Head outside and to the handcart south and a little west of the world entrance. You must race her and win to get her Jiggy. The key to the race is to pinch your thumb and index finger, and rub the A button as fast as you comfortably can.

3) Head to the watery caves (the entrance you blew up using the detonator transformation, see above). Head straight into the first room, then take the right tunnel. Here, take the left tunnel, which holds the Jiggy.

4) This Jiggy requires you to return to Mayahem Temple. Transform into Stony, and head to the Prison. Talk to the other stony there to recieve the code for the Prison Lock (randomized for each game file). Then step on the switches in the order he gave you. Next, return to bear and bird form, and enter the cell. Inside, Dilberta is stuck and needs you to Bill Drill the rock that is blocking her escape. Do so, and follow her through to the Prospector's Hut, where Bullion Bill will be more than happy to give up his Jiggy as a reward.

5) Bring Mumbo to the Mumbo pad at the far western end of the world, where he puts Chuffy back onto the tracks. As BK, enter the engine of the train and into the boiler. Fight Old King Coal to get his Jiggy.

6) Take the south western exit of the Gloomy Caverns to enter the Generator Cavern. Here there is a green opening that you must shoot a fire egg into to turn it on. Continue along the ramps, lighting up more sections. This leads to the Jiggy.

7) Use Mumbo again and lead him to the Crushing shed, where he moves a boulder into it. As BK, enter the shed, across the conveyor belt, and beak barge a red button. Use the talon trot to cross back across the belt. Outside, there are three pieces of the Jiggy to collect. After you pick up the last one, it will be put together for your 7th Jiggy.

8) Outside the crushing shed, grab the springy shoes in the nearby box. Use them at the waterfall to grab the Jiggy on the ledge behind it.

9) From the mine entrance, head south west and up a hill to a boulder. Bill Drill it and go through the entrance. Learn the Beak Bayonet move from Jamjars, and use it to clear the shed of TNT. Do so for another Jiggy.

10) To the left of Mumbo's skull, Bill Drill the boulder and enter. Walk past the cells and Bill Drill another boulder, where you'll find a house and a nearby split-up pad. Use it, and as Banjo enter the house. Up teh ladder, step on the light switch then change to Kazooie. Enter the hut but head down to the basement. Be careful as you cross the pathways to the Jiggy.

[ Jamjar's Portholes ]

1) Head northeast from Humba's Wigwam. Right after the first railroad track bridge, head north and climb the rock ledges to obtain the Bill Drill.

2) Right next to where you get the ninth Jiggy (see above), inside the shaft you blew up with the detonator transformation on the eastern side of the mine.

[ Warp Pads ]

1) Outside Humba's Wigwam

2) North of the world entrance

3) The southern section of the middle of the Mine, near where the train track bends in on itself

4) Below Mumbo's Skull

5) At the western end of the tracks, where you end the race with Mary Canary.

[ Glowbos]

1) Directly northwest of the entrance area (after you pass under the wooden overhang). On top of a rock pile.

2) To the west of the Mumbo Skull warp pad, ontop of a wall ledge.

[ Jinjos ]

1) Head south from Mumbo's Skull, and head down the tracks into a tunnel. An orange Jinjo is inside

2) Follow the river to its south-west ending. You should see a pile of bluish rocks (near the train station). Use the talon trot to climb on top then Bill Drill the boulder to get the Jinjo inside

3) Go to where you used the detanator to open up the Jail Cell door in the Gloomy Caves (see initial tips above). Bill Drill the boulder that is right next to Mumbo's Skull to gain access to the inside of the cell, where a white Jinjo awaits

4) Head to the Toxic Gas Caves (near the south-eastern ending/waterfall of the river). Inside, towards the right and behind a boulder, is a green Jinjo

5) For this Jinjo you must go to Jolly Roger's Lagoon. Enter the sunken ship, and open a pipe with the Talon Torpedo. ead inside the hatch, freeze the fans with Ice Eggs, and head past. Inside this area is a tank, on the top of which is a Jinjo

[ Honeycombs ]

1) Just past the first track bridge, on the southern bank (to the left of the Prospector's Hut)

[ Cheato Pages ]

1) On top of a wooden overhang as you exit the initial cavern of the mine. Use the Springy Step Shoes.

2) Beat Canary Mary in a race a second time.

3) Head to the water storage room in Mine Entry 1, near the Crushing Shed. Use the Flap Flip Jump and then Brip Grab the edge of the first water tank. There are ladder rungs here that you can climb, after which you drop into the water below to reach the final page.

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